
Ecommerce Canada Sales

Ecommerce solutions that work


Big Data

Ecommerce Analytics: What You Need To Know


There have been many changes over the past 2 years in various analytics packages available to your ecommerce business, including:

The undeniable fact is the need for accurate and relevant data to monitor performance and guide decision making. What is important to your business and when? Reliable analytics are essential to determine:

  • Analytics when starting the business
  • Customer related analytics
  • Analytics for scaling growth
  • Customer acquisition analytics
  • Analytics for daily or routine use

What you need to know is that different analytics will apply to your business at different times and depending on your strategic requirements.

We can help you identify and set up a reliable, customized metrics dashboard for your online store. Contact us.

A Day In The Field With Sam, Our Analyst

Ever wondered what an analyst spends the day doing? Well, here is a day in the life of Sam, one of our most senior analysts:


Sam specializes in providing data-driven insights, workflows, develops and continually analyses in-depth journey maps and buyer personas for your business.

“Typically my day starts of with completing the routine tasks, returning calls, reading emails, catching up on the latest on Twitter, other social media, and the news. This is also my coffee time, to juice myself up for the day.

Contrary to popular thinking, analysts don’t spend the whole day buried in data. My favorite part of the morning is interacting with clients, which normally happens from mid morning. Today I had an opportunity to discuss Google analytics with a new client and explain the major elements to their website. After that I had a great conference call with our partners in Vancouver, and learnt that I am not the only one scared of heights. It’s a small world.

Lunch is my best time of the day. I always avoid eating at my desk and enjoy wandering around our neighborhood to visit some of the Jewish or Filipino restaurants. Just near Bathurst and Wilson is the best bagel place in the world, Bagel World.


Most of the deep analytical work I do in the afternoon. I have several dashboards set up with live feeds from CRM software such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics. My favourite analytics tool for ecommerce remains Kissmetrics, although I am constantly plugged into Google Analytics and Retentiongrid, depending on the particular clients and their specific needs.

Ok, it’s 5 pm, I am off to the gym!”

Drop us a line anytime by sending a message: Contact Us

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